
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Trusting God

A running theme that I have been thinking on is "What is it to trust God?" and "when is it ok to tell someone to "Trust God" (Which IMHO is a cliche` way of not offering support to someone who needs a listening ear)

So tonight I think I came up with:

Trusting God is knowing Who He says He is, and believing it even when it doesn't look true in my circumstances. "Let God be true and every man a liar."

So it may feel like He is far away, or uninterested... it may seem like He isn't answering... but I can know that God is not a man that He should lie.

This is another of my "not quite refined" thoughts, but I wanted to jot it down and see what comes of it later.

1 comment:

traceylynndel said...

Pat Tanners suggestion was very similar. It was to remember who God says He is even when it seems He is not. I'm not sure that would help in the deepest darkness when even what God says is doubted but it helps when I just feel alone, abandoned or uncared for. It is good to define terms when telling someone to "just trust God". Otherwise it really does feel like you are saying "so, what, get over it".