
Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook 7/3/2012


Outside my window... The bright moon casts it's glow on everything... all is still and peaceful.

I am thinking... that I really should be in bed! (Isn't that always the way.)  I am thinking of friends to pray for, all in different places, and situations.  Definitely feel the meaning of "Rejoicing with those who rejoice, weep with those who mourn."

I am thankful... for God's faithfulness, for how far He has brought me, that "He Who began a good work shall bring it unto completion."

In the kitchen... not too much is happening here with the summer heat, though I do have a feeling I should bake something soon!

I am wearing... Capri shorts, a white shirt, barefoot.

I am creating... plans for dresses; an apron for a soon to be 4 year old; and a few other smaller projects.  My sewing machine has missed me ;)

I am going... to take one little to the Dr for a follow up tomorrow, while I wait and see if another needs a trip too. :/

I am wondering... if my friend's baby has come yet.  She is at our hospital right now... :)

I am reading... Mostly the Bible, and our school work.  We just restarted the Little House Series so the littler ones will get to enjoy it!

I am hoping... our garden will be fruitful.  It has been struggling with an entourage of pests, so it is not quite where it was last year!

I am looking forward to... tomorrow.  The Fourth of July.  I'm hoping that my copy of the Constitution is still intact since Karissa likes to steal books from the shelves... I usually read the Declaration of Independence aloud to the kids as part of our celebration.

I am learning so much in our History lessons! All manner of things we didn't cover in my school years (Prolly ran outta time in the year) and fun connective facts!  I'm sucking them all up! :)  The kids like it too. ;)

Around the house... we have been having quite a few helpers taking on more lately.  I allow them to "earn" something (candy, a toy back from the "take-away box," a movie or other something special) by doing different chores.  They have really liked being able to get something for doing something, so it has helped around the house immensely!

I am pondering... really, my brain is no longer pondering. o.O

A favorite quote for today... "A Mommy's job means getting paid in Hugs and Kisses"

One of my favorite things... the Susans growing in the back. :) Never ceases to make me smile!

A few plans for the rest of the week: Celebrating the 4th.  Resting? lol We are researching for History to make a skit. :)

A peek into my day...
Karissa getting caught stealing someone's tea. :)

Join in the fun of enjoying the Simple things at The Simple Woman's Daybook.


Monica said...

I very much enjoyed my visit to your place this morning! I will be back around soon to see how your garden is doing. I struggled with pests before it got so hot. After I treated them with soap water and garlic, they have disappeared. I water every night though! Hope all goes well at the Dr. Happy 4th!

Monica said...

Thanks for stopping by! So glad you enjoyed your visit.
We are struggling with some ants that don't seem to be dissuaded by anything... the mice and rats seem to be held at bay by the garlic, and the rabbits and squirrels by the fencing... but that ants! Have you had success in controlling ants?
Thank you for the well wishes~
Dr did go well, and an additional trip is averted! :D
I tried to read your daybook, but your blog says it is "invite only." Wasn't sure if you knew/remembered it would be that way for your daybook. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi I'm visiting from the Simple Woman's Daybook and just wanted to leave my little fingerprint so you know I've been :)

Hope you had a great 4th July. I love the idea of reading the declaration to your kids, they'll grow up understanding what it's all about.

Anonymous said...

Hi I'm visiting from the Simple Woman's Daybook and just wanted to leave my little fingerprint so you know I've been :)

Hope you had a great 4th July. I love the idea of reading the declaration to your kids, they'll grow up understanding what it's all about.

Monica said...

Thank you sterlingsop for stopping by and leaving your fingerprint! :) That's a cute way to put it!

We definitely believe in our kids understanding the meaning of our country's celebrations! Hoping it sticks ;) Hope you had a happy 4th too!