
Monday, January 19, 2009

Tis greater to give

Campus Crusade for Christ is requesting our help to feed orphan children in Zimbabwe.
They have the food, they just need to ship it there, and that's what a donation can help.
10 cents ships a meal.
How many dimes do you have lying around?

When I challenged my kids, they ransacked their change jars and bear banks and came up with
515 meals!
They can't wait to change the lives of those kids with hope, and the food they need for body and soul!
You can give online here.
Or by mail to:
Campus Crusade for Christ
PO Box 628222
Orlando, FL 32832

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." James 1:27

Signs of strength or of weakness

Many of my friends know that I don't eat chocolate.
Some find this to be a strength, will power or discipline.

As I was talking with Ysa yesterday though, I suddenly had an epiphany.
It is no sign of strength, but a sign of weakness.

I do absolutely NO chocolate because I cannot do moderation.
All things in moderation.... for me that does not include chocolate!

So since I cannot discipline myself to only do a little, I do none.
It really is easier, for me.
And thus, I find it to be a weakness.